• Jelajahi

    Copyright © Nikami Themes - Best Redesign Templates

    Safelink Materialize


    Safelink Materialize Responsive
    Safelink with Materialize CSS. This time I will share with you. The template was modified by myself from Bootstrap to Materialize. I haven't added this safelink template to Adblock and anti-boomclick, because I don't understand that enough.

    Template Installation:
    Copy the code template in the template folder (there are 2 free ones).
    Paste in the editor code of your blog.
    To install the ad code:
    search for the word <! - ad or ad by pressing the CTRL + F on the keyboard.
    then enter your ad code below it, don't forget to paste the code.
    Note: this template does not add scripts, ADBLOCK and ANTI BOOMCLICK Ads scripts

    Themes for Members


    This is their opinion about Netralid

    Netralid Berhenti berbagi template kloning gue-nya dapet Job Jasa pembuatan Blog portal , di bilang setuju dengan keputusan-nya ini , jelas seribu persen sangat setuju. dulu yang minat buat blog sepi karena mereka mengatakan design blogger gratisan semua di netralid. setelah tutup alhamdulillah mulai ada yang pesan , thx ya admin

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    Ane penggermar Netralid semua tema tema di bagikan saya koleksi . dengan kebijakan ini saya semakin senang karena para Design Tema blogger sudah bisa bernapas panjang , karena sudah berkurang raja dan Ratu kloning yang merusak karia mereka . mantap buat admin Netralid

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    Kang Mus



    Ahir nya Netralid melakukan tindakan yang bennar, coba dari dulu kaya gini tidak membagikan template secara gratis , saya pastikan sudah banyak blog-blog berbagi template gratis mulai tutup karena mereka tidak ada sumber nyolong koten lagi , 2 jempol buat admin

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    Kiat Jitu

    Arman Maulana


    Sebenar nya Gue sedih dan timbul rasa kecewa , tapi dilain sisi gue gembira karena design blogger kembali merajai dunia per-Blog kan wkwkwk .. selama ini template2 blogger seakan-akan gak ada harga nya .. karena admin Netralid sudah memutuskan berhenti membagikan template clone nya , gue kasi jempol 5 bareng jempol tetangga

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    Powerful & High Quality

    The reason why choosing our premium template.


    A cool Template is available that supports valid AMP HTML


    Responsive Optimized for your blog that adapts to all devices


    SEO Ready templates built with the best SEO practice in mind


    Easily place your Adsense ads to increase your revenue


    The template loading speed is well optimized and very perfect

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